Wednesday 8 May 2013


Final Animation

Here is my groups final animation my role in this was the backgrounds the other two in the group were incharge of animating and sound.
here it is

Tuesday 7 May 2013

 I have been working on colouring and animating the mouse
here are the pencil drawings of the mice

 I then brought them into Photoshop were I replaced the colour and these are the colour test versions of the different mice.

I then created backgrounds to use in the animation which I tested with some of the mice going through to get an idea of how it would look.
the backgrounds were a photo montage that I had created in Photoshop using different photographs to create one image these are what I produced

here is a test video with one of the mice running through a scene


Here are some stop motion test videos I stumbled across that I had forgotten about. I have done this with my 3D mouse I made earlier in the semester

I also have a stop motion with script I tried out my reason for doing this was with the idea of prisoners carving marks into the wall so I thought it might be of interest to try out