Thursday 21 March 2013

Preparation for animation
I began by writing a script and then story boarding my idea what I came up with was
the box was to symbolise a fly and buzz around the screen and whatever the person did to try and kill it wouldn't work because swatting it and pounding it he would always miss, I found it a good idea at the end to have the box laugh because that's what I would imagine a fly is doing when ware hovering round missing with every strike we take.
I began taking photographs of the movements for each scene,
this is them below.

From these photographs I then created my outlined drawings
 scanned them into the computer
and edited them in photoshop these are the drawings.

once I had all that done I then brought all my images into adobe flash
 and created my movements with the use of motion tweens
after some ups and downs I then exported my animation and brought it
into abode premiere pro
and added everything together and added audio this is the final result