Wednesday 8 May 2013


Final Animation

Here is my groups final animation my role in this was the backgrounds the other two in the group were incharge of animating and sound.
here it is

Tuesday 7 May 2013

 I have been working on colouring and animating the mouse
here are the pencil drawings of the mice

 I then brought them into Photoshop were I replaced the colour and these are the colour test versions of the different mice.

I then created backgrounds to use in the animation which I tested with some of the mice going through to get an idea of how it would look.
the backgrounds were a photo montage that I had created in Photoshop using different photographs to create one image these are what I produced

here is a test video with one of the mice running through a scene


Here are some stop motion test videos I stumbled across that I had forgotten about. I have done this with my 3D mouse I made earlier in the semester

I also have a stop motion with script I tried out my reason for doing this was with the idea of prisoners carving marks into the wall so I thought it might be of interest to try out


Sunday 28 April 2013

This is were I am at the moment with my group project
this is my story board I drew up with the basic idea of our story line
we thought about stop motion but thought it would be better to take real photographs or a photo montage with detailed drawings to create our animation instead so I have been drawing mice and made a test piece.
mouse drawings

mouse in test background

Thursday 18 April 2013

Treatment file

Our concept is a stop-motion from the POV of the mouse, Mr Jingles, on a journey through the prison introducing the viewer to the characters.
Technique & Approach:
It’s a stop-motion created with a series of still photographs, using models of the various characters and objects the mouse observes on its way through the prison. We will be using a variety of real objects, such as sponges and buckets, and Photoshop to mimic the faded lime green floor that The Green Mile is named for.

Mood Board:
We are considering using another track from the composer of the original score, Thomas Newman, as well as some wind noises, scampering noises and other such noises associated with a prison.
Sequence of Events/ Shot List:
Mouse POV
Camera is set low to the ground
The Title appears ‘The Green Mile’
The shot begins as a close up of a mouse hole. The mouse comes out of the hole and scurries along the prison passing by objects that are hinted to the story, i.e. the sponge.
As the mouse passes through the prison he passes by the cells, there is a hint of the occupant of the cell, e.g. light for John Coffey, urine for Wild Billy, passing by the silhouette of John Edgecomb in the bathroom.
The sequence ends with mouse returning to the mouse hole, camera zooms out fades to black leaving the title and the mouse in frame and the mouse hole is actually part of the ‘n’ in the title ‘The Green Mile’
Film Title Sequence
In this brief we have to work in groups of 3 and pick a movie title and recreate a movie title for it including the title and cast members.
my group have chosen THE GREEN MILE a 1999 film adapted from a stephen king novel based in 1930's about a huge black man John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan) wrongly accused of two young girls murders and is put on death row.
below are the main actors who starred in the film..

Doug Hutchison (Percy Wetmore)


David Morse (Brutus 'Brutal' Howell)


Tom Hanks (Paul Edgecombe)


Michael Clarke Duncan (John Coffey)

For the title sequence we have thought about doing a stop motion animation from the perspective of the mouse in the film.
I have been experimenting with modelling clay sculpting mice that we could possibly use and also tried taking different material like fur from jackets shaving it down and modelling a somewhat realistic one from that..
see below

Thursday 21 March 2013

Preparation for animation
I began by writing a script and then story boarding my idea what I came up with was
the box was to symbolise a fly and buzz around the screen and whatever the person did to try and kill it wouldn't work because swatting it and pounding it he would always miss, I found it a good idea at the end to have the box laugh because that's what I would imagine a fly is doing when ware hovering round missing with every strike we take.
I began taking photographs of the movements for each scene,
this is them below.

From these photographs I then created my outlined drawings
 scanned them into the computer
and edited them in photoshop these are the drawings.

once I had all that done I then brought all my images into adobe flash
 and created my movements with the use of motion tweens
after some ups and downs I then exported my animation and brought it
into abode premiere pro
and added everything together and added audio this is the final result